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自2015年以来, 学生们一直在使用3+3的安排,在六年内获得学士学位和法律学位. 有资格获得跨学科研究学士学位(BIS)的学生可以使用他们成功完成的法学院第一年的课程来完成他们的公开大学学位.

传统上, 获得学士学位后再获得法律学位需要7年时间,但有3+3课程, 学生将法学院课程中的30个学分转回开放大学以完成学士学位要求.

为了完成学位,他们需要一份批准的学习计划,进入BIS专业,并单独进入我们的法学院合作项目之一. 在公开大学上课的学费和杂费将支付给公开大学,在法律课程中上课的学费和杂费将支付给法学院.


Contact BIS for more information:
(248) 370-3229 


传统上,获得学士学位后再获得法律学位需要七年时间. 有了这个协议, 学生将把法学院课程中的30个学分转回奥克兰,以满足学士学位的要求.

学生将在公开大学完成90个学分,在韦恩法学院完成30个学分. 这样一来,学生们就可以把法学院的第一年和在公开大学的最后一年重复计算. 这为你节省了30学分的公开大学学费,并有机会提前一年进入法律职业领域.


韦恩法律 Partnership Details

Wayne State University Law School Admissions
Justin Williams, Associate Director of Admissions and Diversity Recruitment

S / U成绩
Admissions understands that there is a 2020 “lost semester.” An S option was offered to current law students as well. One semester with S grades is not a problem, but students need to be thoughtful when taking an S grade. 

除去那一年,3.4 GPA (including ALL classes taken) is required. 

LSAC(法学院入学委员会)会计算你所有的成绩,并计算出一个主GPA,这个GPA会出现在证书组装服务报告中,作为招生的指导. 招生部门在做决定时将考虑所有成绩以及最终的硕士GPA.

法学院的学生有着不同的学术背景和不同的学术经历. The priority for admissions is excellence. Whichever degree you choose to pursue make sure you will excel in it. Take classes that interest you and classes that challenge you. Make sure to do very well in them. Worry less about what major you choose and more about how well you do.

来自BIS 3+3法学院课程毕业生的建议:跨学科研究学士课程允许灵活性. 如果你把你的通识教育要求分散开来,学习不同学科的高级课程(你可能会找到一个你想辅修的领域),你不仅会从多个学科领域获得知识, but you will have had the opportunity to meet people from different fields.

LSAT Scores for Scholarship Opportunities
The median LSAT score for admission is 159. Early application is better. 韦恩法律 uses rolling admission, 因此,尽早申请意味着竞争对手更少,获得成功的机会更大

来自BIS 3+3法学院课程毕业生的建议:尽可能获得最高的LSAT分数. 不要太担心参加多次考试,因为只要你的分数在提高,就没问题. Admissions just does not want to see the score decrease. The prep companies for the LSAT are worth the money.



  • Complete 30 credits (including general 教育课程)


  • Complete 30 credits (60 total).
  • Complete LSAT Prep Class in the Spring
  • Take LSAT in the summer (preferably in June)
  • 如果需要,重复LSAT考试
  • Achieve major-standing with BIS
    1. 在年底与BIS顾问会面,讨论课程作业和个性化专业.
    2. Select coursework for a plan of study (minimum 28 credits).
    3. Write a professional rationale to justify coursework selections.
    4. Meet with your assigned 教师 mentor to review your proposed plan of study. The faculty council will review and issue admission decisions.


  • Fall term - Apply to 韦恩法律. Priority scholarship deadline is in March.
  • Complete 30 credits of BIS coursework including BIS 3000 and BIS 4930.


  • Attend 韦恩法律 School Fall and Winter
  • Transfer coursework back to OU to earn bachelor’s degree

通过韦德体育app官网和底特律Mercy law的新合作,学生将能够在六年内获得学士学位和法律学位.

传统上,获得学士学位后再获得法律学位需要七年时间. 有了这个协议, 被录取的学生将把在底特律仁慈法学院成功完成的课程中的30个学分转回奥克兰,以满足学士学位要求. 在开放大学总共有90个学分,在底特律仁慈法有30个学分. 这样一来,学生们就可以把法学院的第一年和在公开大学的最后一年重复计算. This saves you 30 credits of OU tuition and the opportunity
to enter the law career field a year sooner!


底特律仁慈法 Partnership Details

University of Detroit Mercy School of Law Admissions
底特律仁慈法 Admissions Office: (电子邮件保护). 获得一个 3.5平均绩点 (including ALL classes taken) is required. 

Apply to all the Law Schools you are interested in. The LSAT is a test you need to study for and not take lightly. 此外,访问你感兴趣的学校,你的价值观应该与学校的价值观相匹配.

来自当前BIS 3+3法学院项目学生的建议:尽早参加LSAT考试并完成申请. 当你安排你的LSAT考试时,确保你给自己足够的时间,这样当你拿到分数时,你可以在申请法学院之前再考一次. Aim to take the LSAT once when ready.

底特律仁慈法 has rolling admission. 攻读3+3法学院课程的学生需要通过以下方式申请底特律仁慈法律学院 February 15th for priority admission and scholarship consideration, 但他们将继续接受申请,直到8月初.

Students can apply through the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC). LSAC是一个非营利组织,负责协调和促进申请人和委员会成员的法学院录取过程. To fully utilize the services offered through the council, 你需要注册委员会的法学院数据集合服务, 或LSDAS, 并支付所需费用. 作为回报, the LSAC will track the law schools to which you have chosen to apply, 汇总各个学校申请所需的所有信息(包括你的LSAT分数), and forward all the information to each respective school as required.

底特律慈善法综合考虑LSAT分数和累积GPA. To be considered for the 3+3 program, applicants must have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5对4.0 scale and scored at least a 154 on the LSAT. All admitted students are considered for scholarship opportunities.

Early application is better. 底特律仁慈法 uses rolling admission, 因此,尽早申请意味着竞争对手更少,获得奖学金的机会更大. There are 10-15 full tuition 奖学金 are awarded each year.

Clinical experience will be done through 底特律仁慈法



  • Complete 30 credits (including general 教育课程)


  • Complete 30 credits (60 total)
  • Complete LSAT Prep Class in the Spring
  • Take LSAT in the summer (preferably in June)
  • 如果需要,重复LSAT考试
  • Achieve major-standing with BIS
    1. 获得重要地位, 在第二年结束时与BIS顾问会面,讨论课程作业和个性化专业.
    2. Select coursework for a plan of study (minimum 28 credits).
    3. Write a professional rationale to justify coursework selections.
    4. Meet with your assigned 教师 mentor to review the proposed plan of study.The faculty council will review and issue admission decisions. 


  • Apply to 底特律仁慈法: September 1 - February 15 (deadline)
  • Send updated transcript in January with Fall grades
  • Complete 30 credits of BIS coursework including BIS 3000 and BIS 4930


  • Attend 底特律仁慈法学院 Fall and Winter
  • Transfer coursework back to OU to earn bachelor’s degree

来自目前BIS 3+3法学院项目学生的建议:为LSAT学习,请查看预科课程. 与单独使用学习指南相比,LSAT准备课程对提高你的LSAT考试成绩有很大的帮助. 他们可以帮助你在LSAT学习和你目前的本科课程之间建立一个平衡.

可汗学院 (免费资源)





Bachelor of 跨学科研究

(248) 370-3229

8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
(except on recognized holidays)