

韦德体育app官网 卫生科学学院 unites campus 和 community for l和mark Healthology Symposium

Someone giving a speech in a banquet room




健康的多样性, recognizing 和 embracing diversity in all areas of life, is a critical aspect to the health 和 well-being of individuals 和 communities. From establishing information that is accurate 和 representative, to promoting inclusive environments where all abilities can thrive 和 strengthening communities through differences – it is more important now than ever for health professionals to collaborate to serve their patients 和 communities best.

The 卫生科学学院’ annual Healthology Symposium, where science, practice 和 social interests meet, 使学生, faculty 和 community partners to make meaningful connections, affecting positive change 和 impacting the needs of citizens within the campus community 和 beyond.

Through the support of the 卫生科学学院 和 over 30 co-chairs 和 speakers from 18 different organizations, 2024年研讨会的重点是 健康的多样性 在…领域 知识, 能力, 家庭, 心理健康 营养

的信息, uplifting sessions surrounding each of the themes consisted of lightning talks followed by interactions between presenters, 学生和教师研究人员, 外部供应商和客人. 引人注目的是, “all eyes were up front” 和 “not a single person looked at their phones”, 和 the room was filled with vibrant discussions during the wellness-fair-like activities. And everyone enjoyed a delicious 和 nutritious buffet-style dinner, featuring healthful Jamaican 和 Palestinian cuisine from local community chefs.

像“有趣”这样的词, “参与”, “通知”, “挑战”, “inspiring” 和 “fun” were heard across the wide-ranging 和 diverse audience. 

For the keynote address, SHS welcomed Kirstie Ennis, U.S. 海军退伍军人, amputee 和 adventure athlete with a truly inspirational story of rising above adversity. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as Kirstie held the audience captive, 和 words simply cannot describe the energy in the room. “The audience gave Kirstie a st和ing ovation before she even got on stage,” 凯文球, Ph.D., Dean 和 Professor of the 卫生科学学院, says. “Then everyone was so engrossed when she was speaking that you could’ve heard a pin drop. It was perhaps the most inspirational, heartfelt presentation any of us have ever heard. And there were more questions 和 stories of gratitude than we had time for in the Q+A session. This was certainly an event that will be remembered by all.”

参观 Healthology网站 to learn more about the history, vision, mission 和 goals of the impactful symposium.

An event like this truly takes an interdisciplinary, 多元化的团队, 和 the 卫生科学学院 expresses their utmost gratitude to everyone who made this event possible:

2024年赞助商: Apricity基金会, Telva和David McGruder, 克罗格健康, 麦克拉伦奥克兰, Easterseals MORC, 直接的处方, 韦德体育app官网 William Beaumont School of Medicine (OUWB), 医疗网络一, 施行了专家, 凯文一. 鲍尔与玛格丽特. Afheldt Health Symposium Endowment, McGraw梓, 约翰和帕特丽夏·沃, 莱特 & 菲利皮主持

Speakers, Co-Chairs, 和 Campus 和 社区 Partners: Glenn Ellis (Strategies for Well-Being, 有限责任公司), 林嘉欣(香港公共卫生学院), 杰森·沃瑟曼(OUWB), 塔拉Diesbourg (OU SHS), Darlene Groomes (OU School of 教育及公共服务 – SEHS), Brent Wirth (Easterseals MORC), Cindy Crabill (Trinity Health), 梅利莎·琼斯(俄亥俄州立大学), Julie Kruse (OU School of 护理 – SON), Maria Beam(欧大社会工作), 特里·迪布尔(俄亥俄州立大学), Becky Lewis (OU Recreation 和 Well-Being), 莎拉·马丁(俄亥俄州立大学), Ewa Matuszewski (医疗网络一), Kevin Peasgood (查特韦尔在开放大学), Ramin Homayouni (OUWB), 马克C. Navin (OU哲学, Corewell Health East), 埃德·基弗(Easterseals MORC), 贾斯汀·兰姆(OU SEHS), 凯瑟琳·罗高(OU SHS), 珍妮·舒尔特(SEHS), Teresa Chahine(欧森), 夸梅·萨基(OU SHS), 劳伦·史密斯(Trinity Health), Susan Bailey (Marsh McLennan Agency), Matthew Baron (Redefined Counseling Services), 安德里亚·巴克利(Andrea Buckley), Napoleon Harrington (Ambassador Counseling 和 Resource Group, 乔治·阿扎尔(越南之花), Michael Block (The Salvation Army), Kayrone 莱特 (查特韦尔在开放大学)

The 2024 Healthology Planning Committee: 凯文球, 莎拉•布朗, 特里种植, 塔拉Diesbourg, 贾尼斯伊顿, 德吉布斯, 梅丽莎·琼斯, 蕾妮Lesnau-Kennedy, 克里斯蒂娜Lim, 莎拉·马丁, 吉莉安狼

大学支援服务: SHS和OU管理员, University Communications 和 Marketing, 影像及科技服务, 打印店, 奥克兰中心工作人员, 查特韦尔在开放大学

还有你,我们的社区 – for without you, the concept of Healthology would not exist.

A crowd sitting at tables in a banquet room
