
‘Take on that initiative’


An image of 雷夫尔有缺口的 at a 2023 EMIG skills night event

雷夫尔有缺口的, M4, 在急诊医学兴趣小组的技能之夜练习临床技能. 史蒂文·约瑟夫,M.D.急诊医学助理主任兼EMIG教师顾问指导会议. Gappy is current chair for the Emergency Medicine Residents' Association (EMRA). (Photo by Andrew Dietderich)

日历图标2月. 1, 2024

铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


从她第一次在底特律医院做急诊室技术员开始, 雷维尔·加皮(雷夫尔有缺口的)知道她想在急诊医学领域度过余生.

当时她还是一名大学生,她做了尽可能多的研究和宣传. Gappy learned about organizations like the Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association (EMRA).

When the now-M4 started at OUWB, she didn’t stop. She got involved in EMRA events geared toward medical students, participated in EMRA’s mentorship program, networked with other medical students, 并最终成为EMRA医学学生理事会的大湖地区代表.

去年, she was named chair of the same body — representing the roughly 3,000 medical students across the U.S. 谁是EMRA的成员.

“A key part of being a physician is leadership,” says Gappy. “加, 我对医学教育以及我们领域的未来标准如何影响医学生有着浓厚的兴趣, 居民, 等等.......”



Some, like Gappy, do it on a national level. Others do it on a state or regional level.

However they seek out leadership positions, 他们正在积累经验,建立技能和人际网络,许多人认为这将是他们成为成功医生的必要条件.

伯克利布朗,博士.D., 副院长, 学生事务, 所说的, “学生有机会与学术医学领袖建立联系……(并)与同事和潜在导师建立关系。, 并在未来几年对学术医学的目标和方向做出重大贡献.”

An image of 瑞安Ko and other medical students

瑞安Ko, M4, (左)与来自迈阿密大学的NEXT Step 1任务小组的其他成员, University of Illinois - Chicago, 和范德比尔特大学.

NEXT Step 1是一个多机构合作项目,旨在鼓励医学院课程的新创新, 学生建议, and residency applications now that USMLE Step 1 is pass/fail. 该小组在几次国家会议和会议上发表了演讲,以便在考虑国家医学教育标准的未来变化时,让学生和顾问在谈判桌上发表意见. (提交的图)

The importance of leadership


The Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), which oversees accreditation of allopathic medical schools like OUWB in the U.S. and Canada, references leadership skills in multiple competencies that M.D. granting schools must fulfill to maintain accreditation.

The American Medical Association recently created the AMA Medical 学生 Leadership Learning Series,重点关注沟通、解决冲突、合作等方面的重要性.

"对于医科学生, 做好你的课程,理解医疗保健服务的科学和“技术”方面是关键,” 安·曼尼卡说, AMA director of organizational development and learning.

“The differentiator needed ‘to win’ is having great leadership skills.”

一个 系统性回顾, however, led by two OUWB alumni (and a professor) and published in the International Journal of Medical 学生s 发现“大多数医学院在学生医学院任期的前半段开始他们的领导力教育, but very few extended the curriculum for the entirety of medical school.”

马洛里埃文斯, M.D., 埃里克·詹姆斯, M.D. — both OUWB ’23 — and OUWB Professor Misa Mi, Ph.D., 审查还发现,“没有一套领导能力或能力是医学院要求学生在毕业前培养的.”

简而言之, 医学院的学生需要主动地、创造性地寻找领导的机会, according to those like M4 瑞安Ko. (高是澳大商学院学生代表协会的代表, serves on the NEXT Step 1 task force, and has served as a national delegate within the AAMC Executive Leadership Team.)

“When it comes to getting involved in extracurriculars, people tend to make the mistake of fitting into a pre-existing box,他说. “作为一名学生,你能做的一些最伟大的创新完全是你自己的事情. It doesn’t have to be through a student organization.”

例如, in the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ko — along with Evans and Brandon Prentice, M4 -开发的 vaccine educational campaign that they delivered throughout southeast Michigan.

“We did that entirely on our own accord,” says Ko. “We did all the work ourselves. 这是一个例子,说明领导力不必局限于你想象的好与不好. It’s a matter of asking around until you’re able to get things done.”

“You just have to take on that initiative,” he adds.


An image of 瑞安Ko giving a plenary talk
Ko gave a plenary talk on NEXT Step 1 at an AAMC conference in 2023. (提交的图)



OSR代表处理各种举措,从改善获得用于USMLE准备的第三方资源的机会到全面改善医学教育. 然后,代表们与各自学校的管理人员合作,实施变革, 在适当的地方.

举个例子, osr提倡增加资源的使用,以显示疾病在各种肤色上的不同表现. 在另一个例子中, OSR的代表正在为m4开发不同的医学语言选修课.

At OUWB, one student from each current class serves as an OSR representative. (See all OUWB Medical School Government participants 在这里.)

Riya Chhabra, M2, represents the OUWB Class of 2026.

“(成为一名OSR代表)很有吸引力,因为能够在学校层面开展医学教育活动真的很酷, and then also at the national level,查布拉说.


Most of the work done with OSRs from other schools is done virtually, but they do have the opportunity to attend an annual conference held in person. (Travel expenses generally are covered by each respective participating school.)

In addition to discussing potential policy and other changes, Chhabra says being involved in AAMC at a national level provides other benefits.

“很高兴见到来自全国各地的学生,并真正了解他们的医学院在课程或多样性等方面的表现,她说。. “Forming these relationships is cool and exciting.”

M1、OSR 2027届代表Shivapriya Chandu称这是一个了不起的角色.

Chandu说,她在进入医学院之前就知道有可能成为OSR. 主要诉求, 她说, was having the chance to affect change w在这里 it’s believed to be needed most.

“It can be surprising when you see how much of an impact an idea can have, especially when it comes from students,她说。.


“(他们)获得了一个独特的机会,在全国观众面前代表公开商学院的学生, have the chance to put OUWB's programs, 政策, and support services in perspective relative to their peers, 也能在更大的范围内了解学术医学,而不是他们在我们学校的个人经历,布朗说。. 
