



大学 student group OU United 2 Health volunteer at World Medical Relief, Inc. 每一个 周六. 在这里, OU United 2 Health president Mark Karmash and vice president Doria Morante pack up boxes of medical supplies. Robert Hall摄影



铅笔的图标作者:Kelli Warshefski


韦德体育app官网 makes community engagement a priority. 如此如此, that it has been written in到 university strategic plan that 韦德体育app官网 will strive to “become a leader in serving the needs and aspirations of our communities and region through expanded community relationships, 机构声誉和知名度, 和参与.”

“Since first coming to 韦德体育app官网 in the ‘90s, I’ve seen it’s approach to community engagement become more structured and aligned with grassroots community organizations, 还有商业, 公民, 以及民选官员,高级副总裁说 学生事务 首席多元化官Glenn McIntosh. “另外, there is greater involvement of faculty and students engaged in service learning and volunteer initiatives.”

OU’s founders, Alfred and Matilda Dodge Wilson, were champions of philanthropic endeavors. Matilda dedicated much of her time and energy to serve the community through a number of charitable organizations, including the Women’s Society and the Women’s Auxiliary. This passion spilled over in到 foundation of 韦德体育app官网, and has been a key component in the institution’s goals.

另外, the 大学 initiated a number of other community-based programming, 包括社区学校项目, nurturing partnerships with 23 local schools; 奥克兰 Forums, assembling local leaders to work on community problems; and Cultural Enrichment Programs, providing performances easily accessible to community members.

Since then, 奥克兰 has increasingly expanded its outreach. 今天, OU works with more than 375 organizations throughout 奥克兰, 韦恩, 以及密歇根州的其他县. 来自欧大关怀教师项目, individuals and families helping those on the autism spectrum, 到 OU-Pontiac倡议 partnering to advance Pontiac while creating learning opportunities for students, 欧大正在产生持久的影响.

“We work arm-in-arm with our neighbors in Pontiac to build a collaborative effort that will enhance the educational experience of our students; provide wonderful opportunities for faculty research, teaching and service; and enhance the educational experience of our students while also enhancing the quality of life of residents of the Pontiac community,凯文·科科伦说, Ph.D., chief community engagement officer and dean of the 文理学院. “It is a true point of pride that we have built a strong relationship based on mutual respect.”

The university also reaches beyond Michigan to connect students to research and study away programs throughout the United States, as well as study abroad opportunities throughout the world. 另外, 开放大学为国际学生提供服务, scholars and their dependents from more than 60 countries. 通过全球伙伴关系, OU works in collaboration with universities and institutions to advance education, scholarship and creative activity for students and faculty.

Even today, the university is continuing to evolve its role in surrounding cities. This is most evident with the COVID-19 pandemic when OU answered a call-to-action to provide novel support in a number of ways. 这些努力包括与政府合作, county and local agencies to donate and deliver food; connecting the OU community with campus experts through social media; offering tutoring, daycare and mental health support; and providing housing for health care workers; to name a few.

As times continue to change, so do the needs of the community. 韦德体育app官网将继续留在那里, 一起工作, offering resources and relief 到 community and beyond. “Universities do not simply ‘train’ individuals for jobs or careers, 我们为学生的生活做准备, 为他们的社区工作, 为他们的社区做出贡献, 作为知情公民充分参与,博士说。. 科克兰. “We exist as institutions to contribute 到 public good, and we use our talents and expertise in service of that public good to serve our community.”

Read more about 韦德体育app官网's community collaborations in this issue of the 或者杂志.
