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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

710 Administrative Guidelines Prohibiting Discrimination


理由是:  韦德体育app官网 is committed to equality of opportunity for all persons.  In a society that relies on an informed, 受过教育的公民, no one should be denied the opportunity to attain his or her fullest potential.  The University strives to build a community that welcomes and honors all persons and that provides equal opportunity in education and employment.


1.  声明: 
The Board of Trustees approved an Equal Opportunity Policy ("Policy") that provides that there shall be no unlawful discrimination against any person on the basis of race, 性, 性取向, 年龄, 高度, 重量, 残疾, color, 宗教, 信条, 国籍或血统, 婚姻状况, 家族的地位, 或者老兵身份.  The University affirmatively follows the provisions of applicable State and Federal anti-discrimination legislation in all of its activities in this area.  The Policy is applied co-extensively with such laws, and neither it nor this document shall be interpreted as creating any rights, 合同或其他, that are greater than exist under those laws.


To the extent that the Policy conflicts with first amendment or other legal rights as members of the University community, such other relevant legal provision shall control.  此外, the Policy shall not be interpreted to modify eligibility criteria for student and employment benefits or modify the legal definition of the terms "spouse" or "dependent."


Harassment based on a person's race, 性, 性取向, 年龄, 高度, 重量, 残疾, color, 宗教, 信条, 国籍或血统, 婚姻状况, 家族的地位, 或者老兵身份 is generally prohibited by law and, 因此, is a form of discrimination prohibited by the Policy.  Sexual harassment also includes conduct of a 性ual nature that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work, 学业成绩, 或使用大学的服务, 或者制造一种恐吓, 充满敌意的, 或者攻击性工作, 教育或服务环境.  Examples of 性ual harassment include, 但不限于, 性ual assault and unwelcome:  性ual propositions, 性ually graphic comments about a person's body, 触碰, 拍, 捏, 抛媚眼, persistent 性ual jokes or comments, and displays of 性ually graphic pictures.


The University prohibits retaliation against persons who lodge discrimination complaints under the OU美联社&P #711 Guidelines for Handling Discrimination Complaints and persons who serve as witnesses or otherwise cooperate with University discrimination investigations.  This is true regardless of whether the University finds that unlawful discrimination occurred. 

2.  纪律处分:
  教师, staff and students who eng年龄 in discrimination or retaliation may be disciplined, up to and including termination of employment or expulsion.  The applicable grievance/disciplinary procedure, if any, will apply.  教师, staff and students must contact Diversity, Equity & Inclusion ("DEI") for clarification if they do not understand what conduct is prohibited by the Policy.  Discipline will not be reduced if a faculty member, staff member or student claims s/he did not understand that his/her behavior was prohibited by policy.  Persons who are not members of the University community who violate this Policy while on campus may be prohibited from coming onto part or all of the campus. 

3.  Responsibility of Higher Man年龄ment: 
每位副总裁, 迪安, 导演, and each supervisor with authority to hire, fire and discipline subordinates (collectively referred to as "Higher Man年龄ment") is responsible for ensuring that their subordinates are aware of and adhere to this Policy.

4.  Mandatory Reporting by Higher Man年龄ment: 
Higher Man年龄ment must refer complaints or reports of discrimination or retaliation to DEI, 如果涉及到员工, 学生主任, 或者是学生. 

5.  How to Report Perceived Discrimination:
  Members of the University community are strongly encour年龄d to report incidents of discrimination and retaliation.  The process for lodging complaints with the University is described in OU美联社&P #711 Guidelines for Handling Discrimination Complaints

6.  秘密地说: 
The University acknowledges that there may be times when faculty, staff and students want to speak confidentially about what they are experiencing with confidence that the matter will not be referred for investigation.  The University's Counseling Service, OU咨询中心, (248) 370-3465, is available to students and employees for that purpose.





OU美联社&P #711 Guidelines for Handling Discrimination Complaints
