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在  Department of Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences, choose to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences with a specialization in 组织工艺学 (HT). Histotechnologists are responsible for applying proper histological techniques that involve processing, sectioning and staining of tissue specimens that have been removed from humans or animals by biopsy, 外科手术或尸体解剖. This specialization prepares you to perform a variety of diagnostic and 研究 procedures in 的 anatomic sciences. Through hands-on experience, you will learn how to assess real case studies and work with human samples to apply and execute 的 skills used in clinical practice. You can ultimately earn a clinical internship to complete your education.

课程要求 度计划建议应用

的 pre-clinical education consists of 2-4 years of prerequisite and specialized classroom instruction meant to establish competencies in core scientific disciplines. 的 Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences major requires a cumulative GPA of 2.80 or higher for all specializations. Reviewing 的 本科目录 (see 课程要求) for CDS core curriculum and course grade expectations is required.


Students may apply for specialization standing in 组织工艺学 after completing 的 CDS core curriculum as listed in 的 本科目录, generally at 的 end of 的 sophomore year. 的 junior year consists of 的 specialization course requirements at 韦德体育app官网 and 的 senior year includes 的 completion of a 12-month internship at an approved hospital based program. 的 internship includes instruction on advanced techniques such as: muscle enzyme histochemistry, 电子显微镜, immunofluorescence and immunoenzyme procedures, 原位杂交, image analysis and medical photography. Techniques in education methodology, 管理, 研究, technical writing and presentation of scientific information are also included in 的 curriculum.

Application to 的 hospital-based clinical internship is made during 的 winter semester of 的 sophomore year. 韦德体育app官网 is affiliated with 的 accredited histotechnology clinical program at 博蒙特健康系统. Acceptance into 的 internship program is competitive and is based on grade point average, personal interview and letters of recommendation. Desirable candidates possess qualities/abilities in communication, 计算机知识, 领导, 多任务处理, 解决问题, 批判性思维.

U.S. 劳工统计局 (BLS) does not collect data on histotechnologists specifically, 的y are included under 的 broader occupational group of medical and clinical laboratory technologists. BLS reports that jobs in this category are projected to increase 7% from 2021 to 2031.

的 salary for histotechnologists varies according to 的ir level and location. 根据 American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) 2021 Wage Survey of Clinical Laboratories in 的 United States, 的 staff level HTL national mean salary is $61,784.每年77美元,88679美元.26 per year at 的 supervisory level.

Consider this profession if you:
  • 对科学着迷
  • 享受解决问题的乐趣
  • like challenges and responsibility
  • 准确可靠
  • 能在压力下工作
  • 沟通好了
  • set high standards for yourself

克里斯蒂娜R. Lim M.S.美国职业足球大联盟(ASCP) SM
Special Instructor and Coordinator
Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences


(248) 364-8857


(248) 370-2369

(248) 370-3562