

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-4455
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-4455
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.




韦德体育app官网 预科项目 will be hosting the 18th Annual 克林顿河水节 on May 17, 2024. Water festivals are designed to help fifth-grade students learn about the importance of water and its many uses. Presentations and exhibits provide students with activities to complement the science curricula taught at their schools. 注册链接如下所示.




克林顿河水节视频 水节视频 水节照片


韦德体育app官网 is pleased to welcome you and your students to the 克林顿河水节. We hope you and your students will find it educational and enjoyable. The importance of clean water to us, and our future, cannot be overstated. It is our hope that the 克林顿河水节 will promote and augment many of the environmental lessons taught to children.

The 2024 克林顿河水节 at 韦德体育app官网 will take place on May 17th. The Water Festival is a full day educational experience for students from Clinton River watershed community schools in Oakland County. Students will learn about the central role water and the Clinton River plays within their region.

韦德体育app官网 in Rochester offers an outstanding learning environment as the university is situated on Galloway Creek as it joins Clinton River main. Each class will attend a series of outdoor and indoor presentations. Each presentation will be approximately 25 minutes and will be designed, 尽可能多, 具有互动性, 实践学习经历. All presentations relate to water, its uses, and critical importance to us and our environment.

大约在泼水节前两周, each registered class will receive a Water Festival package outlining their day's events and listing any other important information.

Water Festivals are designed to help 5th grade students learn about the importance of water and how it is used in their daily lives. The objective of a water festival is to provide students with activities to help them understand water resource related issues. 这些问题包括:

  • 生态系统(生物多样性,污染vs. 未污染的水,城市vs. 乡村环境、湿地)
  • Geosphere (the Great Lakes, the river, streambank erosion, impacts on habitat)
  • Hydrologic Cycle (sources of pollution, wastewater treatment, surface water, creeks and streams)

Possible presenters include: professionals from local, 州和联邦政府机构, 自然资源组, 环境顾问, 大学, museums, 大学生.

Each teacher will leave the Water Festival with a water resource curriculum guide, reviewed by local educators and water resource professionals. Each water resource guide is filled with ideas to further implement a water-based curriculum in the classroom. Presentations offered at the Water Festival are intended to reinforce the current science curriculum taught at elementary schools throughout the Clinton River Watershed.

All fifth grade classes in Oakland County Schools that are within the Clinton River Watershed area. 然而,空间被限制在大约28个班级.

这个教育活动对学校免费. Additionally, all Water Festival presenters and volunteers provide their time and expertise for free.


Thank you so much for volunteering your time and expertise as a presenter at the 2024 克林顿河水节. Your time and effort as a professional will have an impact on the students for years to come.

他们可能不会都成为水务专业人士, but they will be voters in a community where water issues will require citizen input. They will need proper information to make informed decisions, especially about the Clinton River.

Fifth grade students are at a specific place in their developmental process. Below are some simple suggestions to help you prepare a successful presentation based on strategies designed for a fifth grader’s ability. 请注意,这些只是建议. The most important part of your presentation is you and your expertise and creativity.

  1. Keep in mind that fifth grade students have the attention span of 10 year olds — a statement of the obvious but often overlooked by those of us who live in an adult only world.
  2. You can hold the fifth graders attention by dividing your topic into 3-5 minute segments. Short, simple portions of information will be received with enthusiasm. Even the most complex topics can be presented in small bits.
  3. The first segments should be introductory and informational. The later segments should be an opportunity for your students to problem solve and make predictions based on what you taught them.
  4. Keep your sentences short and topics in simple, concise form.
  5. 让你的部分快速移动——但不要比赛. Timing will keep you interesting and will keep your fifth graders engaged.
  6. Smile! 让你的演讲保持乐观和个性化.
  7. Choose a theme or catch phrase that you can incorporate into each segment. Think of the one concept that you want each student to remember and turn it into a jingle that you can repeat (or that they can repeat in unison with you) and that they will remember.
  8. 征求志愿者. Fifth graders love to help perform even the simplest tasks. 让他们拿着你的教鞭, 插上你的投影仪, 关上门, 拿着海报, 分配工作表, etc.