Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

罗彻斯特 密歇根 48309-4479
(248) 370-2751


Inclusive teaching recognizes that it is not enough to have a diverse group of people learning together, but those often marginalized must be actively included and valued. Recognizing that inclusion is not always enough to address systemic issues in higher education, we also work to make learning spaces more equitable by addressing structural issues with systemic change. More on inclusive and equity-based teaching.


The purpose of the 全纳教学学院 is to strengthen the knowledge and understanding of inclusive and culturally responsive teaching, use data and self-reflection to inform teaching, 并结合证据, 高影响力的实践.

这 12-week, two-phase faculty program includes:

  • 六周 STEM全纳教学项目 Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), a NSF Improving 本科 STEM Education program with a CETL-led community of practice component. 
  • course planning workshops for implementing inclusive teaching. 

The application for Spring 2024 is now closed.

Future program offerings will be announced in August 2024. 请继续关注!



  • Part 1 (course with community of practice): January 15-February 23
  • Part 2 (implementation plans with workshops): March 4-29
    Estimated time commitment: 5 hours per week


  • Part 1 (course planning community): May 6-31
  • Part 2 (course planning workshops): June 3-7
    Estimated time commitment: 10 hours per week
资格, Requirements, Stipends


  • STEM focus, but applicable to all faculty from any discipline
  • 任何公开大学有记录的教员(i.e., lead instructor of any course at 韦德体育app官网) who can complete the program requirements

Program Requirements and Stipends

  • Completion of Inclusive STEM Teaching online course
  • Consistent participation in regular, on-campus meetings
  • Robust course implementation plan
  • 研究生s will receive a $1,000 stipend
What is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)?

A MOOC is an online course designed to be accessible to a large number of participants over the internet. MOOCs are typically open to anyone who wants to enroll, and they often do not have strict prerequisites or admission requirements, making them accessible to a global audience. Most MOOCs offer a certificate for those who complete required activities. While they can usually be done at any time, sometimes MOOCs will offer time-based discussion forums and other interactive elements.


A community of practice is a group of people who share common goals and attitudes, and who meet weekly throughout the course to help contextualize the content within the OU teaching environment and institutional culture. Participating in this community of practice will allow participants to experience deep, meaningful conversations and personal growth in a supportive environment.

What is a Course Planning Workshop?

Participants will use their new understanding and reflections to implement changes to their practices and courses. These will be led and supported by CETL staff. Participants will share how their learning and new practices have influenced their classroom experiences


A New Syllabus Template and Top Tips for 包容的教学

  • 这 更新的教学大纲模板 and its recommendations can welcome students in a positive way and provide transparency about your expectations.
  • A welcome message before the semester (1-3 days before Day 1) will help you build a relationship with students even before class begins. 参见CETL的入门语言 Class and Student Communication Templates.
  • Students are more likely to reach out for help when they are comfortable. Getting to know you through a short bio in the syllabus, Moodle概要, or a welcome video can make an impact.

由博士主持. 艾迪娜Schneeweis, a group of faculty at Oakland have committed to create and collect stories of diversity and inclusion on and around campus. CETL has supported this project since its start as a faculty development institute and learning community. 访问并贡献于 StorytellingDiversity.